Tuesday, March 2, 2010

YIKES! Deadlines are looming!

It's Christmas (Spirit) in March! Got this note in my email last week:

"The deadline for submissions to The Christmas Spirit, Cec’s next Christmas book, is May 1. Do you have a true story that emphasizes the spirit of the Christmas season? Visit www.christmasspiritbook.com for guidelines and submission details.
Just wanted to send you a little reminder about the deadline for submitting YOUR story to "The Christmas Spirit".
Can it be that time already? We all live such busy lives, working as well as having fun celebrating the Ides of March, St Paddy's day, Palm Sunday and Easter, not to mention the agony of "Tax Day" April, 15th. With all that's going on it's far too easy to let time slip by and miss sending in YOUR story.

So I'm here to encourage you to take a moment and start writing your story TODAY.If you're like me, it's much harder to ignore something I've already started. So just sit down at that computer right now (if you're reading this, I'm betting you're already there) and write that first paragraph. If you have a laptop, you can probably get it started during commercial breaks on American Idol.
As Mary Poppins would say, "Well begun is half done!"

And think how swell you'll feel when that box of books arrives at your front door (in 2011) with YOUR story published inside!

Speaking of holidays--Today (March 2) is Read Across America DayA national campaign to celebrate Dr. Suess’ Birthday (Mar. 02) by reading a book today.

Happy Reading & Writing!

The deadline for submissions to The Christmas Spirit, Cec’s next Christmas book, is May 1. Do you have a true story that emphasizes the spirit of the Christmas season? Visit http://e2ma.net/go/6609936580/208121581/211636174/28940/goto:http://www.christmasspiritbook.com for guidelines and submission details.

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